Page 20 - Unlock Your Spine - The Key to Perfect Alignment (Tonya Fines) : Flip It & Read It
P. 20

stu … and he knew it better than anyone else

         based on the thousands of testimonials from

         all the people he has helped.

         I still wasn’t completely convinced that Rick was

         going to be able to help me, but I had nothing

         to lose at this point, so I reached out to him.

         Having a career in the  tness industry myself, I

         knew I had to go to the source of the

         knowledge and cut out the middle man. You

         see Rick is more than just a specialist. He’s the

         guy who teaches the other  tness

         professionals the newest techniques to help

         their own clients. He has given over 315 live

         presentations to over 6065 health and  tness

         professionals across Canada and the USA.
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